In partnership with Respect Group Inc., Softball Canada is pleased to release its new Safe Sport Onboarding.
Supporting the mandated Safe Sport Training, Softball Canada’s new online learning provides direct members with the information they need on how to report maltreatment, while raising awareness of the policies and procedures in place to protect them.
Details on Maltreatment and Softball Canada’s Safe Sport Framework and Reporting Process are provided throughout the platform, along with key policies like Screening, Athlete Protection, Abuse, Electronic Communication, and Discipline and Complaints. Softball Canada’s Commitment to the True Sport Principles, and individual roles and responsibilities described in the organization’s Code of Conduct are also included.
“With this Onboarding, Softball Canada aims to empower and educate our members so that they have the information they need within our own organization” stated Kristin Noonan, Manager of Coaching & Safe Sport.
Understanding that policies are not regularly accessed by individuals, Onboarding provides highlights from each of the organization’s UCCMS integrated policies and provides direct links to current policies and important resources. Casey Hogan, Safe Sport Program Coordinator spoke to the importance of this education as a way of providing direct members with key pieces of information in a more digestible and engaging way. “Given the variety of roles held within our NSO, we want to ensure each of our members know what a safe sport environment looks like, while also understanding the reporting process if they suspect maltreatment is taking place” stated Hogan.
As part of the organization’s commitment to Safe Sport, all Softball Canada direct members (Board of Directors, Staff, Committee Members, National Team Program Players and Staff, Supervisors, Master Coach Developers, Umpires in Chief, etc.) will be required to complete the Onboarding. New hires, appointments, and National Team selections will also be required to complete the Onboarding along with the Safe Sport Training, commencing their new role.
While Onboarding will focus internally, Softball Canada is committed to providing safe and welcoming environments for all participants. Initiatives such as the Safe Sport PSA, postcards, backstop signs, and banners, reinforce Safe Sport messages for all players and spectators at softball events across Canada.
For more information on Softball Canada’s Commitment to Safe Sport, please visit

Softball Canada Safe Sport Onboarding
25 November 2021
Gilles LeBlanc