With respect to the Temporary Runner (FP) and the new rules allowing for an appeal to be made by the defensive team for an incorrect temporary runner, it has been noted that Section 3.2.7 (Page 135) states that:

If an incorrect player is used as a Temporary Runner, the error will be corrected without penalty when noticed.

The phrase “by the offensive team prior to an appeal by the defensive team” is missing and this sentence in Section 3.2.7 should read:

If an incorrect player is used as a Temporary Runner, the error will be corrected without penalty when noticed by the offensive team prior to an appeal by the defensive team.

This page will be updated should any further discrepancies be noted and should be referred to by umpires if they believe they have located an error or discrepancy in the text of the rule book.

Any errors or discrepancies discovered but not noted on the webpage can be submitted to softballcan.odc@gmail.com.