I am an umpire relocating from one province to another. How do I ensure my records are up to date?Umpire 32

To ensure your registration records are up-to-date with the province/territory you are re-locating to please have your previous provincial/territorial UIC or office send an email to your new provincial/territorial UIC and office, with Softball Canada copied.

How do I keep my umpire certification manual up to date?

Whenever rule changes are approved at the Softball Canada Congress in November, it will likely mean there will be changes to the umpire certification manuals. The revised manuals will be available the following February. Most years Softball Canada also publishes a "Rule Changes" document that explains the current year's revisions. This document can be downloaded from the Softball Canada website.

How do I become an Umpire?

Interested in becoming a Softball Canada umpire? Contact your local umpires association for information on the times and locations of a local clinic. If you don't have a local association please check with your Provincial/Territorial Umpire-In-Chief for more information. Their contact information can be found in the Softball Canada Directory.

Do you have a question about umpiring you would like answered?

If you have a question about umpiring that you would like answered submit your question and the answer may appear here. The Province or Territory of the official should be included in all correspondence. Rule interpretation questions should first be submitted to your Provincial/Territorial Umpire in Chief. If the P/TUIC wishes clarificiation then the question may be submitted to Softball Canada.