Ottawa, Ont. – Softball Canada is proud to announce that after 18 months, 37 women in softball have laid the foundations for the Female Mentorship Program, becoming the first official graduating class. With their commitment and dedication, they have become the driving force to continue this opportunity for many more females within the Softball Canada community.
Back in April 2021, the Female Mentorship Program began their journey with a total of 15 mentors and 22 mentees. Each month, the program gathered virtually through a series of professional development opportunities and group discussions, aiming to enhance their leadership skills and support females throughout all areas of softball.
The Female Mentorship program is designed for individuals to share insight, guidance, and knowledge through experience, expertise, and skills to ultimately bring Canada’s softball community closer.
“It has been wonderful to come together and share our knowledge and experiences, as well as our challenges and successes,” said Angela Ballantyne, Manager, Sport Development. “This is how communities become stronger. These women and so many others in our game have so much to offer and it’s our job to foster these relationships to continue to grow.”
There were many highlights throughout the mentorship program including workshops focused on Conflict Resolution, Safe Sport, the CAC Mentorship Module, as well as specific umpire and coaching sessions. The program welcomed guest speakers such as Anisha Saintiche who led the group in a session about achieving success both on and off the field, Johanna Malisani on how to create an inclusive team environment, and Tasia McKenna, who capped off the program by sharing how mentorship relationships can bring future opportunities.
“Keeping girls and women participating in softball starts with strong female leaders encouraging and inspiring the younger generations,” said Scott Neiles, President, Softball Canada. “I’m looking forward to seeing the long-lasting effects the mentorship program will have on Softball in Canada.”
After the end of the first class of the Female Mentorship Program, Softball Canada is driven to continue to work with female coaches, officials, and administrative staff through creating role models by increasing frequency and quality of development opportunities, creating networks, and supporting women in leadership roles. Currently, Softball Canada’s Female Mentorship Program is in the process of developing their second class and plan to launch later in the new year.
For more information regarding this program, please visit

The First Class of Softball Canada’s Female Mentorship Program Graduates
13 January 2023
Emma Lindblad