Practice Plan #1


Location:   Number of Athletes:   Length of Practice:  
Absent Athletes:  
Support Staff:  


Drill: Dymanic Warm-Up

Time: 15 minutes

Equipment: Cones

Objective(s) of Drill:

  • Warm-up the body

Drill Description: See Appendix B for full descriptions of each movement

  • Divide players up into 4 groups of 3 and line them up along one of the foul lines. Set a cone at 40’. Players will perform exercises from the foul line up to the cone and back.
  • Players will complete 8-10 of the following exercises selected by the coach:
    • Jumping Jacks
    • Horizontal Arm Swing or “Self-Hug”
    • Shoulder Rotation
    • Horizontal Elbow Swing
    • Bent Over Swing
    • Iron Cross
    • Scorpion
    • Inchworm
    • Cowboys Squats
    • Backward Moving Toe Touch
    • Side Lunge
    • Lunge and Twist
    • Deep Lunge and Reach
    • High Knees
    • Butt Kicks

Key Teaching Points:


Drill: Team Tag

Time: 5 minutes

Equipment: Base or cones, Helmets

Objective(s) of Drill:

  • To warm-up
  • To learn teammates names

Drill Description:

  • Select 2 players as “it” who will wear helmets.
  • Using the infield with the basepaths as the boundary, play a game of tag. Players who are “it”, must call the name of the player they are tagging before they tag them.
  • Players who are tagged must perform an exercise outside the playing area before continuing (i.e. 5 jumping jacks, 5 sit-ups, etc.).
  • Switch “it” players so all players have a chance to be “it”.

Key Teaching Points:




Drill: CRASH – Last Round Up

Time: 5 minutes

Equipment: n/a

Objective(s) of Drill:

  • Softball-specific warm-up and conditioning
  • Review of fundamental softball skills

Drill Description:

  • Players lay on their stomach in a circle leaving 1-2 meters between each player
  • Heads should be on the inside of the circle (facing in)
  • On command, chosen player gets up quickly and runs left or right, jumping over each player in the circle. As the runner jumps over the player, that player jumps up and runs around the circle jumping over all the players. Continue until all players have run around the circle and everyone has returned to their starting position.
  • Repeat in the opposite direction.

Key Teaching Points:





Drill: CRASH - Quick Sprints

Time: 5 minutes

Equipment: Bases, Bats

Objective(s) of Drill:

  • Softball-specific warm-up and conditioning
  • Review of fundamental softball skills

Drill Description:

  • Set up 3-4 lines of 3-4 players.
  • Players will simulate running from Home to 1st Base
  • Set up 1st Base (double base) at U12 basepath distance (~ 55’) from batters.
  • The Coach will review the rules regarding the use of the orange base.
  • Player swings bat as if in batter’s box, drops bat, runs through 1st base, gains control, turns right towards the foul line to return to the base.
  • Use good form running
    • Good body lean
    • Pump arms
    • Knees high
    • Stretch stride after first 2-3 steps
    • Run through base

Key Teaching Points:




Main Part

Drill: Throwing/Receiving Everydays

Time: 10 minutes

Equipment: Balls

Objective(s) of Drill:

  • To assess abilities of players
  • To teach proper overhand throwing technique
  • To teach proper use of glove and receiving technique

Drill Description:

  • Review receiving key teaching points
  • Players will complete the following throwing progressions with a partner and a ball (see Appendix E for a full description):
    • Wrist snaps
    • 2 foot stationary throwing position or One Knee Drill
    • K position
    • K position with step or stride
    • Pre-stride into K position
  • Full motion

Key Teaching Points:


Drill: Four Corner Drill (Throwing)

Time: 10 minutes

Equipment: Bucket, Balls, Cones or bases

Objective(s) of Drill:

  • To introduce 4 corner throwing drill
  • To assess and provide feedback on the overhand throwing technique and footwork to make a throw after receiving a throw.

Drill Description:

  • Set up a diamond with 4 bases about 30’ apart.
  • Position an equal number of players at each base.
  • The 1st player will throw the ball to next base and then go to the back of their line at their base. The receiver will then throw to the next base and then go to the back of their line at their base. Continue until all players have received and thrown the ball 3 times.
  • Variation #1:
    • The player will throw to the next base, then follow their throw to next base (½ speed) and line up at the end of the line at that base.
  • Variation #2:
    • Introduce a competition. Count the number of throws that can be made until either a bad throw or a missed catch.
    • Record this number for future reference
  • Have extra balls ready in case of bad throws or missed catches so players aren’t chasing balls.
  • Reverse the direction of the ball after doing the drill several times so players are using different footwork to make a throw.

Key Teaching Points:


Drill: Fielding Everydays

Time: 10 minutes

Equipment: Tennis or softie balls, Balls, Bases or cones

Objective(s) of Drill:

  • To teach the fielding technique for ground balls and fly balls
  • To reinforce good throwing mechanics and pivot footwork

Drill Description:

  • Ground balls (with a partner)
    • Without gloves, roll a ground ball directly to your partner who fields the ball and rolls a ground ball back. Field 10 ground balls each.
    • With gloves, roll a ground ball directly to your partner who fields the ball and rolls a ground ball back. Field 10 ground balls each.
  • Fly balls (with a partner)
    • Without a glove and using a tennis or softie ball, throw a fly ball directly to your partner who fields the ball and throws a fly ball back. Field 10 fly balls each.
    • With a glove and using a softball, throw a fly ball directly to your partner who fields the ball and throws a fly ball back. Field 10 fly balls each.

Key Teaching Points:




Drill: Four Corner Drill (Fielding)

Time: 10 minutes

Equipment: Bases or cones, Balls

Objective(s) of Drill:

  • To teach the fielding technique for ground balls
  • To reinforce good throwing mechanics and pivot footwork

Drill Description:

  • Set up a diamond with 4 bases about 30’ apart.
  • Position an equal number of players at each base.
  • The 1st player will throw a ground ball to a player at the next base and then go to the back of their line at their base. The receiver will then throw a ground ball to the next base and then go to the back of their line at their base. Continue until all players have received and thrown a ground ball 3 times.
  • Variation:
    • Player throws a ground ball to the player at the next base. The receiver fields the ball and pivots and makes an overhand throw to the next base. The fielder follows their throw to the next base and goes to the end of the line at that base. Continue until all players have received and thrown a ground ball 3 times.
  • Have extra balls ready in case of bad throws or missed catches so players aren’t chasing balls.

Key Teaching Points:


Drill: Four Corner Game

Time: 20 minutes

Equipment: Bases or cones, Bat, Balls, Batting helmets

Objective(s) of Drill:

  • Practice fielding technique and positioning
  • To assess speed and baserunning technique

Drill Description:

  • Divide players into two teams. One team will be the fielding team with a player at 1B, 2B, SS, 3B and C. Place any extra defensive players behind SS and 1B. The other team will be the batting team.
  • Set-up a diamond with bases 55’ apart for the defense to use.
  • Set-up another four bases or cones inside the defensive team’s bases for the baserunners to use.
  • Baserunner at their Home Plate swings at imaginary pitch and runs around cones while SS fields a thrown ground ball from the Coach. Player (SS) throws the ball to 1st Base. 1B throws to 2B. 2B throws to 3B. 3B throws to C.
  • After each “hit” rotate the defensive players (SS to 3B, 3B to C, C to 1B, 1B to 2B, and 2B to SS) and new baserunner steps in for next “hit”.
  • Record the number of bases touched for the offensive team before the ball reaches home.
  • Switch teams after all offensive players have batted.

Key Teaching Points:


Cool Down and Conclusion

10 minutes

Static Stretching Routine (See Appendix C)





Practice Evaluation

What worked well:



What to change for next time: