6.1 The Board may appoint such committees as it deems necessary for managing the affairs of the Association and may appoint Members of committees or provide for the election of Members of committees, may prescribe the duties and terms of reference of committees, and may delegate to any Committee any of its powers, duties, and functions.
6.2 Nominations Committee – The Board will establish a Nominations Committee composed of Directors, Athletes, and other stakeholders to oversee the solicitation and receival of nominations for the election of the Directors. The Committee will also be responsible for vetting potential candidates, evaluating a candidate’s skills and expertise, determining a candidate’s independence as per these By-laws, and making recommendations to the membership about elections. The Committee will have an odd number of Members with the objective that the Committee is respected, credible, and representative. The Nominations Committee will have responsibilities and authority at the discretion of the Board.
6.3 Standing Committees – The Board will establish a Governance and Ethics Committee and an Audit and Finance Committee. The Board will determine the composition and terms of reference for these committees.