Quality Learn to Play Softball Programs

Looking for a quality softball program in your community? Look no further! Below are just some of the associations across Canada promoting and using the Learn to Play Program!

We want to thank and congratulate them on supporting the Learn to Play program and delivering quality softball instruction and FUN to kids across Canada!




Beaumont Blitz beaumontblitz.ca   Leduc County, AB   
Camrose Softball Association camrosesoftball.ca Camrose, AB
Cold Lake Minor Ball    coldlakeminorball Cold Lake, AB   
Delburne Minor Ball N/A Red Deer County, AB
Drumheller Girls Softball Association  dgsa.ca   Drumheller, AB
Falun Minor Ball N/A Falun, AB 
Fastball St. Albert  fastballstalbert.ca      St Albert, AB
Irma Minor Ball  facebook Irma, AB
Leduc Minor Softball Association  leducminorsoftball.ca Leduc, AB 
Marwayne Minor Ball  N/A  Marwayne, AB
Medicine Hat Minor Softball Association medhatminorsoftball.ab.ca Medicine Hat, AB
Nose Creek Softball nosecreeksoftball.ca Calgary, AB
Parkland Fun Ball & Soccer League parklandfunball.ca Spruce Grove, AB
Plamondon Minor Ball plamondonminorball Plamondon, AB
Rimbey Bluffton Minor Ball rimbeyblufftonminorball.com Red Deer, AB
South Bow River Softball sbrsoftball.com Calgary, AB
Stettler Minor Ball stettlerminorball.com   Stettler, AB
West Hill Softball Association westhillsoftball.ca Calgary, AB
Alberni Valley Minor Softball albernisoftball.sportngin.com Port Alberni, BC
Abbotsford Minor Fastball amfa.ca Abbotsford, BC
Barriere Minor Ball bmfa.net Barriere, BC
Burnaby Minor Softball Association burnabysoftball.org Burnaby, BC
Cache Creek Softball Association N/A Ashcroft, BC
Carnarvon Softball carnarvonballclub.com Victoria, BC
Castlegar Girls Softball Association castlegarsoftball.wordpress Castlegar, BC
Chilliwack Minor Fast Pitch chilliwackminorfastpitch.com Chilliwack, BC
Clearwater Minor Ball facebook Clearwater, BC
Cloverdale Minor Softball cloverdalesoftball.com Surrey, BC
Coquitlam Minor Softball coquitlamsoftball Coquitlam, BC
Cordova Bay Fastball cordovabayfastball Victoria, BC 
Delta Fastpitch deltafastpitch.com Delta, BC
Enderby Minor Fastball enderbyfastball.ca Enderby, BC
Fleetwood Fastpitch Association fleetwoodfastpitch.com Surrey, BC  
Houston Minor Softball N/A    Houston, BC  
Kamloops Minor Fastball kamloopsminorfastball.com Kamloops, BC   
Kitimat Minor Softball    kitimatsoftball.wordpress.com Kitimat, BC  
Ladysmith Softball ladysmithsoftball.ca   Chemainus, BC
Lakehill Ball lakehillball.com Victoria, BC 
Langford Fastball langfordfastball.ca Victoria, BC 
Langley Fastball Association langleyfastball.sportsavvy.com Langley, BC  
Merritt Minor Softball merrittminorsoftball.com Merritt, BC
Mission Minor Softball Association missionsoftball.com Mission, BC   
Nanaimo Minor Softball Association nanaimosoftball.ca Nanaimo, BC
New Westminster Minor Softball Association    newwestsoftball.ca New Westminster, BC   
North Langley Diamond Sports nldiamondsports.ca/softball Langley, BC 
North Shore Girls Fastpitch nsgfa.ca North Vancouver, BC   
Oceanside Minor Softball oceansidesoftball.ca Parksville, BC  
Peninsula Baseball and Softball pbsa.ca Sidney, BC  
Penticton Minor Fastball pmfsa.com Penticton, BC  
Port Coquitlam Minor Softball pocominorsoftball.com Port Coquitlam, BC   
Prince George Minor Girls Fastball Association fastballpg.ca Prince George, BC  
Prince Rupert Minor Softball facebook group Prince Rupert, BC 
Quesnel Girls Softball Association quesnel.ca Quesnel, BC
Ridge Meadows Minor Softball Association rmmsa.com Maple Ridge, BC 
Salmo Girls Softball N/A Salmo, BC   
Sooke Minor Fastball Association sookefastball.com Sooke, BC 
Southwest Fast Pitch - Softball Alberta softballalberta.ca Elkford, BC
Spruce City Minor Boys N/A    Prince George, BC  
Strawberry Vale Minor Fastball Association strawberryvalefastball.com Victoria, BC 
Summerland Minor Fastball N/A Summerland, BC   
Surrey Storm Fastpitch surreystorm.com Surrey, BC
Terrace Minor Softball terraceminorsoftball.com Terrace, BC
Trail Girls Softball N/A Trail, BC
Vancouver Minor Softball Association vmsa.ca Vancouver, BC 
Vernon Minor Softball vernonminorsoftball.ca Coldstream, BC
View Royal Fastball N/A    Victoria, BC
Westside Minor Fastball westsideminorfastball.com West Kelowna, BC  
Williams Lake Minor Fastball williamslakeminorfastball.com Williams Lake, BC  
Bonivital Softball Association N/A    Winnipeg, MB 
Interlake Minor Ball InterlakeMinorBall Stonewall, MB   
North East Softball Association northeastsoftball.ca Winnipeg, MB  
Portage Minor Softball Association softball.mb.ca Southport, MB    
Rock Lake Girls Minor Ball N/A    Crystal City, MB   
Seine River Minor Ball srmb.ca Ile Des Chenes, MB  
Ste Rose Fast Pitch softball.mb.ca Ste Rose Du Lac, MB  
Team Athena N/A    Beausejour, MB  
Westman Softball Association westmansoftball.org Brandon, MB   
Greenwich Recreation riverroadhub.com Glenwood, NB   
Hoyt High Sox facebook Rusagonis, NB
Keswick Recreation Association keswickrec.com Upper Kingsclear, NB
Moncton Fastpitch association N/A    Moncton, NB   
Nelso Softball Association snb.ca Miramichi, NB
Oromocto Softball Association N/A Rusagonis, NB
Brookfield Minor Softball softballns.ca Halifax, NS   
Aurora Diggers Girls Softball auroradiggersgirlssoftball.ca Aurora, ON
Dunwich Dutton Softball Asscociation ddsoftball.ca Dutton, ON   
Front Of Yonge Minor Softball facebook.com Mallorytown, ON
Goderich Girls Fastball N/A    Goderich, ON
Innerkip Minor Ball innerkipminorball.com Innerkip, ON
Kenmore Minor Softball Association kenmoreminorsoftball.ca Ottawa, ON   
Kitchener Minor Girls Softball Association kmgsa.com Kitchener, ON   
Lyn Minor Softball lynsoftball.ca Brockville, ON   
Maynard Minor Softball augustasoftball.com  Maitland, ON   
Newmarket Minor Softball Association  nmsa.net Newmarket, ON   
PDP Lightning princetonontario Drumbo, ON   
Ponsonby Minor Softball ponsonbysoftball.ca Ariss, ON
Port Perry Minor Softball portperrysoftballs Port Perry, ON    
Richmond Hill Minor Softball Association rhmsa.ca Richmond Hill, ON   
Rideau Osgoode Minor Softball Association romsa.org Manotick, ON
Rosedale Youth Softball rosedaleyouthsoftball.com Hamilton, ON   
Scarborough Softball Association scarboroughsoftballassociation Toronto, ON   
Softball Napanee softballnapanee.com Napanee, ON   
Springfield Brewers Softball Association springfieldbrewers.com Springfield, ON   
St. George Minor Ball stgeorgeminorball.ca Hamilton, ON   
Unionville Minor Softball Association umsa.ca Unionville, ON   
Walkerton Minor Ball walkertonminorball.com Hanover, ON   
Whitby Girls Softball Association whitbygirlssoftball.com Whitby, ON   
WSSA wssa.ca Uxbridge, ON
Stratford Softball Association stratfordstealers.com Stratford, PEI   
Association balle molle mineure Presqu'Ile association de balle molle mineure la presquile Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC
Association des Filles de l'Ile facebook Pincourt, QC
Balle molle St-Lazare balle-molle-mineure-as-st-lazare St-Lazar, QC
Balle rapide Daveluyville facebook Daveluyville, QC
Express de St-Léonard d'Aston softballquebec.com St-Léonard d'Aston< QC
Hyophiles de Ste-Perpétue  softballquebec.com Nicolet, QC   
LBMM St-Jean-sur-Richelieu  softballquebec.com St-Alexandre, QC
Les Anges du CMA cma-montreal.com Montreal, QC   
Loisirs St-Lin-Laurentides Inc softballquebec.com St-Lin-Laurentides, QC
Softball mineur St-Charles de Bellechasse softballquebec.com St-Charles de Bellechasse, QC
Softball mineur St-Henri facebook St-Henri de Bellechasse, QC
St-Célestin, Centre du Québec lecourriersud.com Saint-Célestin, QC
Arborfield Minor Ball N/A Arborfield, SK 
Archerwill Minor Ball N/A Archerwill, SK   
Assiniboia Minor Ball softball.sk.ca Assiniboia, SK
Battlefords Minor Softball N/A Battleford, SK
Biggar Minor Ball facebook group Biggar, SK   
Carlyle Minor Ball N/A Carlyle, SK   
Carrot River Minor Ball rec.carrotriver.ca Carrot River, SK   
Churchbridge Minor Sports churchbridge.com Churchbridge, SK   
Craik Minor Sports craik.ca Craik, SK   
Davidson JAA N/A Davidson, SK    
Debden Minor Ball debden.ca Debden, SK   
Delisle Minor Ball Association delisleminorball Delisle, SK   
Dodsland Plenty Minor Ball dodslandminorhockey.com Dodsland, SK   
Eastend Minor Softball N/A Eastend, SK
Edam Minor Ball facebook Edam, SK   
Fort Minor Ball softball.sk.ca Fort Qu'Appelle, SK
Gladmar Minor Ball gladmar.ca Gladmar, SK
Grenfell Minor Ball softball.sk.ca Grenfell, SK
Gull Lake Athletic Association glathletic.ca Gull Lake, SK   
Hanley Minor Ball facebook Saskatoon, SK
Hudson Bay Minor Softball N/A    Hudson Bay, SK 
Humboldt Girls Softball humboldtgirlssoftball.ca Humbolt, SK   
Indian Head Minor Ball ihactivities.ca Indian Head, SK   
Ituna Minor Ball itunaanddistrictregionalpark Ituna, SK   
Kindersley Minor Ball kmsports.ca Kindersley, SK
Laird Minor Ball lairdvillage.ca Laird, SK
Langenburg Minor Softball langenburgminorbaseball.com Langenburg, SK  
Lanigan Girls Minor Ball laniganminorball.ca Lanigan, SK   
Leader Minor Ball leader.ca Leader, SK   
Leoville Minor Ball N/A    Leoville, SK 
Luseland Minor Ball facebook  Luseland, SK
Maidstone Minor Ball N/A Maidstone, SK  
Maple Creek Minor Sports mcminorsports.ca Maple Creek, SK   
Martensville Amateur Softball Association martensvillesoftball.ca Martensville, SK 
McLean Cubs Ball softball.sk.ca Regina, SK 
Meadow Lake Minor Ball N/A    Meadow Lake, SK   
Melfort Minor Softball Association melfortminorsoftball Melfort, SK
Nipawin Minor Softball N/A    Nipawin, SK
Oxbow Minor Ball oxbow.ca Oxbow, SK 
PAMSA/ADFO paminorsoftball.ca Prince Albert, SK
Perdue Minor Ball perdueminorball.ca Kinley, SK 
Pierceland Minor Ball facebook Pierceland, SK
Radville Minor Ball N/A    Radville, SK 
Regina Minor Softball rmsl.ca Grand Coulee, SK 
Richmound Ball richmoundball.com Richmound, SK
Rosthern Minor Ball facebook Rosthern, SK  
Sandhills-Fox Valley Minor Ball sandhills-softball-league Fox Valley, SK 
Saskatoon Minor Softball smsl.ca Saskatoon, SK 
Shell Lake Minor Sports facebook group Shell Lake, SK 
Shellbrook Minor shellbrookmsa.ca Shellbrook, SK  
Spiritwood Minor Ball N/A    Shell Lake, SK 
St. Walburg Minor Ball facebook St. Walburg, SK 
Swift Current Minor Girls Softball swiftcurrentminorgirlssoftball Swift Current, SK 
Tisdale Minor Ball tisdale.ca Tisdale, SK   
Turtleford Minor Ball facebook Turtleford, SK 
Unity Minor Ball facebook group Wilkie, SK 
Wakaw Minor Ball N/A    Wakaw, SK
Waldheim Minor Ball N/A Waldheim, SK
Warman Minor Ball Association warmanminorball.com Warman, SK   
Watrous Minor Ball watrousminorball.ca Watrous, SK  
Weirdale Minor Softball facebook Prince Albert, SK
White Butte Minor Ball Storm Softball storm.whitebutteminorball.ca Regina, SK   
Wilkie Minor Ball wilkieminorball.ca Wilkie, SK 
Wynyard Minor Ball facebook Wynyard, SK  
Yorkton Crush Softball yorktoncrushsoftball.com Yorkton, SK