We love softball. It has helped define who we are and given us opportunities we may have never had before. In honor of International Women's day, Softball Canada wants to continue to inspire women and increase the visibility of how our beloved game has positively impacted our female membership.  

These are our love letters to softball. A way of expressing our gratitude to this great game and the female mentors within it. 

If you could thank softball, what would you say?

We encourage you to read their stories and share yours below.

Erin Forman

Stacy Blois

Emily Stea

Joni Frei

Lori Zehr

Jennipher Gee

Andrea Wolf

 Share your own story of how softball has shaped you as a female and thank this great game for providing us with opportunities to empower each other.

If you could thank softball, what would you say?
