During this trying Covid time; we thought it might be interesting to get ideas on fitness programs, that others are taking part in.  What are we doing as parents or as umpires, to keep up our fitness levels?

Donna Ozarko commented that her Vo2 maximum, crossed into superior and weekly intense minutes are over 450!  Fantastic for the stress and anxiety of our lives!  Her dogs hate her!  Have you seen the pics of her and her dogs???  No hate going on there!!!  Great job Donna!

Frankie Billingsley is doing daily cardio and strength training.  The “Own it Challenge” with an NHL fitness trainer, has been an awesome experience and FREE!  Check it out!  This girl is going places!  Yes she is!

Picture will go with the video. Video can be found here!

2020 Female Working Group - Fitness - Frankie

Andi Wolf likes the fact that as a Mom, she is cooking healthier and while staying home, she is able to “monitor” eating habits of others in her household.  Biking to the office, 4 miles there and back has been great for her fitness and wellbeing. Andi hide the cookies while you’re at work!

Laura MacMillan bought a road bike and started an interval training route.  Nice!

JR Simpson is taking the lead from his football training group. This involves bench mark workouts such as 25 push ups / 25 burpees.  This makes for competition, all in the name of fitness and fun. Check out this 30 Day Fitness Challenge post.  Or 30 days and 30 days and 30 days etc!!! 

2020 Female Working Group - Fitness

Sandra Forand has posted a fitness video for fun, on her and Steve Camus’s fitness routine.  Laughing surely exercises some part of our body!!!  https://youtu.be/Sl6xmVguqHk

Regardless of your choices of how to move, stretch and feel good about yourself, ALL are positive to your outlook on life.  “We cannot tell what may happen to us in the strange medley of life!  But we can decide what happens in us – how we can take it, what we do with it – and that is what really counts in the end.  How to take the raw stuff of life and make it a thing of worth and beauty – that is the test of living”.